Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Case of Egypt

When Muslim Brotherhood member Mohamed Morsi beat out former Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafikhe he became the country's first democratically elected president. It was an enormoous victory for Egyptian people, and arguably helped fuel the fire of a peoples' uprisings now commonly referred to the Arab Spring. When Morsi took power he faced immediate issues with the ruling military council. However, in more recent days he has faced a even bigger problem; dealing with a largely upset local population. While the promise of Morsi's victory by democratic election spoke the possibility of a revolution of government by the people, sweeping reforms of power set in place to hold him as the ultimate authority, until a constitution is drawn, has what's caused Egyptian people to take to the streets in protest. Although Western media centers have largely negatively critiqued the uprisings in Egypt, playing the hegemony card during the movement proclaiming, "what will they do now with no government or leader," the promise of a democratically elected president has remained salient. That is, until Morsi decided to apply dictor-like rules on his people until a constitution is set in place. Even more recently has taken steps to absolve himself from judicial oversight. While people marched in protest today reportedly no less than eight Egyptian newspapers also held a strike due to alleged restrictions they feel Morsi is placing on freedom of speech in the proposed constitution. The promise was so bright in this grassroots for the people, by the people movement. In this day and age it is one of the most profound social movements of the time. Has it been killed by another elitist attempt to control power in the midts of political turmoil? Is Morsi doing what "must" be done in order to bring about stability to his country in a time of instability? Is there a way Egypt can still attain a sense of true democracy through this turmoil? For the people a supporter of peace, justice and sustainability would hope so. See for full course schedule